
Sunday, January 29, 2006

saturday morning cartoons

More like Saturday morning American-style-Anime. And (pshh) real life people acting as if they're cartoon characters. I'm disappointed. Actually, those five, (count 'em) that's right five minutes of watching the commercials after Beyblade, (wth?) and the theme song of Zoey 101, (you're not going to get famous!) made my day. I was bubbly and hyper and totally on par during Mandarin that day. Granted, we got extra homework for throwing paper airplanes, (tiny ones, made out of post it notes) but no one checks that stuff anyways. And I kinda wasn't listening. So sure, there is such a thing as too much hyperness. I just didn't want to believe it was true.

But then there were fun times at mass...come home, eat lots of flip food, take a shower, leisurely pray your hair dries properly while dressing for church, then swearing and wishing you bought a hat when you realize it didn't. Meh. Usher's door was locked...went to the office...had a few laughs...had a LOT of laughs...then ran back to the ushers room just seconds before the opening chords struck up. And they were chords- monstrous ear splitting terrible minor chords. Plink Plink BAAAAANG. Yah that's all I remember. Oh good homily by Father! Power to the people, heh heh heh.

Then today I woke up to the wondrous tune of 10:00am, truly I did. I'm not even lying. Granted I barely slept- woke up at 5:00am, then sorta just lay there until a good sunday morning slothly tumble from bed. "Bmuragghh..." says the sloth. I anxiously awaited New Year's dim sum. I didn't want to tell you in the car val, or in the mall, or at the restaurant, or in the car, or in the office, or in the car, or in the mall, or in the car. Mostly because I forgot. But I dressed up early and when I saw your car I squealed and ran out the front door and saw- YOU! (Ohkay I'm going to stop addressing Val, as she never reads my blog anyways. Gr. =D ) Oodles of food and lai see! (LAI SEE DAU LOY!!! See, I remember.) So we ate, learned good oral hygiene, and shopped a little more. I got apple juice. HOORAH! Then I went home and listened to Val's extraordinary bargaining skills with little brother Betsy. Yes, gum still has a large trade value.

There's more, yes, there's more! (So ha DOOD. You know who you are, DOOD.) (More sugar? Yes, definately.) I sewed up another lucky envelope, (why don't you just Purchase an envelope? Saves my fingers...) and dashed over in the pouring rain wearing nothing but the thin shirt on my back and the hope that I could make this delivery safely...joking! I dashed over in the light drizzle with my hand-me-down jacket and my holey shoes, and yes, the hope that I would make the delivery safely. My mom made me bring my cell phone, in case I got lost on the way. Funfunfun... EEE!!! I can see through curtains too. I see you...BOO!

So ends the first wonderful weekend in a while...Gong hay fat choy! Now, lai see dau loy! Joking, joking! Geez...=D

(Yes, I'm still a bit hyper. Bzzz.)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

destruction and reminiscence

September 26th 2005....
Going to Catholic school is like being force fed faith- rought going down and even worse coming back up.

September 27th 2005....
I worry for your falling, but a little for your soul. Or is this second fear a product of my Catholic upbringing, the IV hooked up to my veins. It's hard now, to know which is truth or speculation in all the SHIT you've fed us now. You guess but leave no room for interpretation.

December 5th, 2005....
Am I denied a faithful freedom- or past that, a freedom beyond my faith. For all my remarks and doubts- I remain Catholic. My vow, is ---this--- much harder to keep.

December 5th, 2005....
But this is real...

And the most eloquent of them all: January 5th, 2006....
Fur-ee pants get wet easily. (With a picture of furry pants next to it.) Is there any such thing as mouldy cheese? (Yes.)

I think I was waiting outside of Oriental Supermarket when I did the last one...that's just too random.

Monday, January 9, 2006

more than this

A quick note before I start: I added one of my Slide albums at the top. Click to see enlarged version.

You're ruthless. "Single-minded to the point of destruction."1 I don't believe you can really think like that at all! How can you live like that? No one chooses to exist on life based on this one thing that doesn't amount to anything, not now, not in the future. I can't understand this waste of time ticking by me. Everyone's moving forward and I'm stuck here watching. I'm reaching for you but all you say is, "let nothing get in your way" and It doesn't even matter.

No! That was not me trying to be eloquent, or me trying to make a statement. It's just me ranting. Ranting quietly. Very quietly. In sentance fragments.

There's got to be more than this. Or just a way to get through it without actually being there. I know what the solution is- it's hidden in my animals. Or lurking on the other side of my locker walls. Floating up into the sky. But the solution is also the problem...or can I just not let go at all?

1. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants...something about Bee.

Friday, January 6, 2006

skating @stc

Who: Mrs. Mosely, Aeriana Eve, and k2 (aliases) Faye, Kat, and Kenny (real names...or are they?) and Vivian, at some point.
What: Skating and Shopping
Where: S. Civic Center, and S. Town Center (a whole 100 meters away)
When: Friday, January...something, 2006.
Why: Because we wanted to fly!

You'll see. We got our butts down to SCC and skated, (or tried to) for about an hour. Then our toes froze. No, you see, I'm lying. Our toes and fingers and faces froze about 10 minutes after getting our skates on! But it's all good...none of us ran over any little kids, and any wipeouts were for good reason and covered up very nicely. Very nicely. We skated around, chasing each other, tug-boating, everything. Then we headed for STC and shopped around, and when we were headed out of the pet store, (puppies! bunnies! lizards!) we found Vivian. Ahh another lie. Vivian found us, and we walked around for a bit before heading home. Fun day, fun day!

PS: A copy of this post will be posted in The Power of What? group blog.

Monday, January 2, 2006

stolen from kirk who stole it from mel

1. name: kat
2. single or taken: tagle
3. sex: female
4. bday: may 10th
5. sign: taurus
6. siblings: older brother
7. hair colour: brown
8. eye color: brown
9. height: 5

lovers & friends
1. who are your best friends?: 123
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: can't you tell? i'm TAGLE.
3. did you send this to your crush?: nope
4. did your crush send this to you?: nope

1. where is your favourite place to shop:
2. any tattoos or piercing: ears?

1. do you do drugs?: everyday. are you jk? i am.
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: fructis
4. what are you listening to right now?: the tv
5. who is the last person that called you?: k2
6. where do you want to get married?: church
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 16
8. what would you change about yourself?: everything.

1. colour: pilurple
2. food: choklitte
3. boys names: adrian
4. girls names: aeriana
6. animals: bunnies
7. sports: soccer, baseball, tennis, badminton

have you ever..
1. given anyone a bath?: yep
2. smoked?: nope
3. bungee jumped?: nope
4. made yourself throw up?: yes..but i was sick.
5. skinny dipped?: nope
6: ever been in love?: yeah, i suppose
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: many times
8. pictured your crush naked?: nope
9. actually seen your crush naked?: nope
10. cried when someone died?: yeah
11. lied: yes
12. fallen for your best friend?: nope
13. been rejected?: ionno? kinda?
14. rejected someone?: nope
15. used someone?: yeah...i used her to get choklitte. from the magical elf. in toyland.
16. done something you regret?: everything.

clothes: track jacket, umm...a watchathingy...a...bath thingy?
music: nothing
make-up: nothing
pet peeve: lack of choklitte
smell: choklitte (not kidding)
desktop picture: flowers
favourite artist: olp, nickelback
favourite groups: GO12
book you are reading: handmaid's tale, oryx and crake, sixteen,
cd in player: the killers (thanks michelle!)
dvd in player: the one...about the boxer...the female one...who got euthanized
colour of toenails: the same colour they were yesterday

last person..
you touched: does big bunny count?
im'ed: vvn
yelled at: carlo
You kissed: does big bunny count?

you are..
Understanding: never
Arrogant: always
Insecure: forever
Interesting: not a chance
Random: definately
Smart: nope
Moody: only everyday of my life
Organized: i can be
Healthy: *cough* ex-er-cise?
Bored easily: yep
Shy: i can be
Difficult: yep
Attractive: nope
Messy: sometimes
Responsible: no
Hyper: occasionally...
Happy: no
Trusting: no
Talkative: yep

if you could you would..
Kill: the person who made choklitte not free.
Slap: *cough*
Get really wasted with?: (*creepy voice from that movie) i'll never tell...
Get high with: (*sigh) repeat creepy voice.
Talk to offline: God.
Talk to online: God. can i do that? (*lightning strikes.) guess not.

In the morning: i try to forget
All I need is: choklitte
Love is: math. (read dictionary part ii, see "kopach")
I dream about: babies, agenda's, failure

Coke or Pepsi: coke
Flowers or candy: CAAAAAANDY
Tall or short: short

What do you notice first: eyelashes
Makes you laugh the most: big bunny
Makes you smile: big bunny
Sit on the Internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: nope
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nope.
Wish you were younger: sometimes...
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes

I know: i like juice. and cheese.
I want: to forget.
I have: no more cheese or choklitte. (*eyes brother's stash.)
I wish: i could fly.
I hate: many things.
I hear: my brother...(*decides not to eat choklitte)
I search: endlessly
I regret: my life
I love: choklitte

more randomness
1. Do you like fillings these out? not when they're this long...
2. How many people are you sending this to? the blogger world?
3. Who will send it back? those who have no time to waste yet insist on doing it. (like me!)
4. Gold or silver: silver
5. Favourite cartoon/anime: i forgot...
6. What did you have for breakfast this morning: break-fast?
7. Who would you love being locked in a room with: a maminal.
8. Could you live without your computer: (*laughs) no! (*eyes widen.)
9. Would you colour your hair: yea
10. Could you ever get off the computer: umm....yea?
11. habla espanol?: me no habla espanol. que?
12. how many people are on your buddy list?: way more than i can keep track of.
13. drink alcohol? i wish. no i can't take it, i'm lying. it tastes ICKY.
14. like watching sunrises or sunsets?: sunsets...then you know it's over, for the day.
15. what hurts the most?: when you open the cookie/cheese jar...and it's empty. *tear.
16. best words ever?: foff.
17. what now?: i'm going to my piano.

THAT WAS LONG. HOLYYYYYY....g'night guys. Thanks lil bro for letting me steal it off you..