
Saturday, January 14, 2006

destruction and reminiscence

September 26th 2005....
Going to Catholic school is like being force fed faith- rought going down and even worse coming back up.

September 27th 2005....
I worry for your falling, but a little for your soul. Or is this second fear a product of my Catholic upbringing, the IV hooked up to my veins. It's hard now, to know which is truth or speculation in all the SHIT you've fed us now. You guess but leave no room for interpretation.

December 5th, 2005....
Am I denied a faithful freedom- or past that, a freedom beyond my faith. For all my remarks and doubts- I remain Catholic. My vow, is ---this--- much harder to keep.

December 5th, 2005....
But this is real...

And the most eloquent of them all: January 5th, 2006....
Fur-ee pants get wet easily. (With a picture of furry pants next to it.) Is there any such thing as mouldy cheese? (Yes.)

I think I was waiting outside of Oriental Supermarket when I did the last one...that's just too random.