
Friday, March 31, 2006

holy adhesive

I can only learn from other people's and my own's educated guesses, some of which are better than others. Therefore, no one has KNOWledge, but simply speculations gathered from strict observation of pattern.

Church is a good place to be at but I'm missing the key. FAITH! It binds them and because I was struggling to regain it, I to them.

There's a lot in my head, but I'd rather not put it down here.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

the naked struggle

We all attempt to cover ourselves, however crudely that may be. There are few of us willing to go out naked. It may not be necessary. We can't reveal it all to whoever walks by. But at a certain point, we've all got to disrobe, to let it all go.

We're vulnerable. And you can create all the armour you want but even if no one else can see the damage it's there, and you know it. Life pierces right through this cover-up and in the end, we're left there, bare. The struggle is over, for that moment, if you'll let it be.

I try my best not to set myself up for those little wounds that fly out of other people, but you can't anticipate it all. It's part of this, this playing out every scene just to see if we can head off any problems before it happens. It's important, yea, to look ahead to the consequences but can't we relax for a bit?

This is where I am with you. I can be naked, with you. But other's not that kind of trust.

And I want you to know, [/] and segWAY and x4 that I can't save you. I can't pull you up from where-ever you are, not when I'm right beside you. But I can try. We can work it all out so that even through this, at least we'll not be singular. Solitary. Insignificant.

I don't have the answers! I don't think anyone does- even him. Or it. Or them. Or that. Things get so complicated so quickly and I don't know what's sure of anything, or if anything is.

The thing is, I'm afraid I've already lost you. Somewhere in here, you've slipped away.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

what a shame

James Blunt- You're Beautiful.

Check the links on the navigation bar.

Friday, March 17, 2006

because you're never there

I love these Little Miss books.

No. Ohkay, I realize that I must be one of the most moody people on earth, but anyways...

I want to talk to you without you shifting in your chair and changing the subject.
I want to feel happy when I'm out with other people.
I want to be able to understand what you're saying.
I want to be alright with the way things are.
I want to not have to make excuses for doing what I do.
Am I just being...

Give Me Back My Tree.

This, is cold fury. Where are the branches I so loved to caress? The branches nearly all my friends have hesitated to put weight on? MY TREE IS DEFACED! Yes, it belongs to the City but I loved it like my own. GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES.

P.S. I just completed my first embroidery project! Follow the link to my Parazz and click Afterschool Escapades.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

goFIVE gettogether!

Isn't he georgous? Kraft Dinner, the newest model in a group of young protege models shows off the Fall 2006 go12 Ready-To-Wear Couture collection. Sporting "The Sick Hat" tied fashionably with a purple scarf, he looks ready to take on the world. A sheer pink asymmetrical top layered over a checkered dress shirt, (ravishing!) layered over a long sleeved dark blue top tell us that he just can't wait to get out there. He's got a lovely pair of baggy jeans the colour of a camel, and has got a sweet bright pink a-line skirt snug under his butt cheeks. Finally, Kraft really topped off the outfit with bright green wedge sandals, and socks. Well, his sassy new look really seems to be something that could hit it off on the streets. I know I'm running out and searching for the best new under-butt skirt! You're not well dressed until you've got go12 RTW Couture.
-Aeriana Eve, Fashion Correspondant

Celebrities Come Up for Spring. Yes, it was an exciting day at Aeriana Eve's house when the supermodel Kraft Dinner showed up, along with the superb designers of Ms. Yanoanimsomething and Mrs. Celebrity Wife. These esteemed designers of go12 planned this outfit in a matter of minutes, and the photo shoot truly was an eye-opening experience. Later on the famous quartet was joined by Necro, fashionably late. After enjoying gourmet Costco bulk style pizza, they headed out to the streets, closely watched by their fans. Indeed, hundreds of recycling boxes were simply blown away at the mere sight of them. They stopped at the door of k2, not a member of go12 but a close affliation. Only people this famous could just ring the doorbell of someone this prestigious. As they connected with their childhoods and the see-saws at the park, they also stopped by several more houses, unfortunately none of their visitees were home. Surely they were off on a plane somewhere, going to meet their fans. (Right JD?)
An exciting game of Truth/Dare/DoubleDare/PromiseToRepeat/FireInTheBarnyard/
MonkeyInTheAttic/RondezvousInTheDark kept the spirit going. Such frivolities occured as- Kraft pulling out Necro's hair, a Tree/Aeriana/Animosnosomething sandwich, and a lot of intimacy with inanimate objects. The game continued as they re-entered Aeriana Eve's dwelling and sat back at their apple juice beer and super flat coke.
Indeed, it was an uneventful day for these members of go12 and their affliations but it was most enjoyable to watch, as we've heard from countless recycle bins who were witnesses to the hours. Perhaps next time we'll be joined by more than 50% of the group! But of course, it's incredibly difficult to get all these famous people together. Of course.
-Aeriana Eve, A&E Staff Reporter

Sunday, March 5, 2006

chug on

Yea. The hard times are a'comin'! First weekend rehearsal- five hours of...nothing. Nothing? Nothing. Ran the show pretty fast, considering it was supposed to last an hour longer. (If someone sends me the infamous vid, i'll YouTube it!) But good's an old/new feeling, one I cherish. I know I'll be glad to see the back of MW come June, (hopefully) but I also know when I walk back into that room in September I'll love the smell of drama. Let loose.

Tighten up. Yep, March Break. A.K.A., "Tell yourself you're going to work your ass off and end up spending the entire week on your ass" week. Just like Christmas holiday and Easter long weekend and that P.A. Day you swore to take advantage of. I feel sick just thinking of going to school tomorrow, (probably because I pigged out all day) just because I'd much rather be at home relaxing. Or if not relaxing, at home actually working! And I can do that, during school hours. I'll accomplish a helluva lot more sitting where I am then where I'm going to be tomorrow.

And I'm going to have to. I'm going to need to work every minute of every period until my fingers are cramped and I'm yearning for my bed at 7:30pm, and I'm going to have to keep my eyes open long enough to finish that unit a day. I know I'm not going to do that. Friday 4th and 5th periods will always be the periods I'll try my hardest to work and fail. The half hour before lunch when I'm anticipating that meal will be useless. And I'm probably going to end up hallwalking and talking a bit more as well, but I swear to God I'll finish my courses. If I don't...there is no if I don't. But it's highly unlikely.

This brings grief into my heart and desperation closer than ever. I'm afraid of a calendar, I really am.

I end with a warning- if you're msging me and I'm not answering, or I'm simply not there it's because of one of the four most important things in my life. Working, sleeping, eating, and writing.

Dedicated to Marielaine, GO12, v3, TA36, and k2.

Friday, March 3, 2006

the joy of extended ta

I'm nerrdly, I know. Chock full of TA love and irony, and words like ENIGMA. *cough*COUGH.* (mumbles...) But there's something magical in TA36, especially during extended. Have I said this already? Does it matter? Having a crappy TA can mean a hellish high school for you, and I lucked out this time. Would things be different if I had...Zidar? Kopach? Small? Oh God yes. I'd be dead, that's how different it'd be. Anyways, things are moving along...unfortunately, I'm behind. By like, 20 units. But I'm doing a unit a day, with no break day so hopefully I finish early. Fat chance. I didn't work for like, six months. Back to my essays...I love being self-directed just because I can stay home when I want to. Otherwise, I hate it.

Here are some things I love about our TA...

The music.

The food.

The smart people!! Joking, joking.

I love you guys, I really do.