-Aeriana Eve, Fashion Correspondant
Celebrities Come Up for Spring. Yes, it was an exciting day at Aeriana Eve's house when the supermodel Kraft Dinner showed up, along with the superb designers of Ms. Yanoanimsomething and Mrs. Celebrity Wife. These esteemed designers of go12 planned this outfit in a matter of minutes, and the photo shoot truly was an eye-opening experience. Later on the famous quartet was joined by Necro, fashionably late. After enjoying gourmet Costco bulk style pizza, they headed out to the streets, closely watched by their fans. Indeed, hundreds of recycling boxes were simply blown away at the mere sight of them. They stopped at the door of k2, not a member of go12 but a close affliation. Only people this famous could just ring the doorbell of someone this prestigious. As they connected with their childhoods and the see-saws at the park, they also stopped by several more houses, unfortunately none of their visitees were home. Surely they were off on a plane somewhere, going to meet their fans. (Right JD?)
An exciting game of Truth/Dare/DoubleDare/PromiseToRepeat/FireInTheBarnyard/
MonkeyInTheAttic/RondezvousInTheDark kept the spirit going. Such frivolities occured as- Kraft pulling out Necro's hair, a Tree/Aeriana/Animosnosomething sandwich, and a lot of intimacy with inanimate objects. The game continued as they re-entered Aeriana Eve's dwelling and sat back at their apple juice beer and super flat coke.
Indeed, it was an uneventful day for these members of go12 and their affliations but it was most enjoyable to watch, as we've heard from countless recycle bins who were witnesses to the hours. Perhaps next time we'll be joined by more than 50% of the group! But of course, it's incredibly difficult to get all these famous people together. Of course.
-Aeriana Eve, A&E Staff Reporter
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