
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

this heart of mine


I believe that's the word.
The magical word that'll fix everything.
Fix my brain,
Fix my faith,
Fix my heart.

It seems to be broken.
I can feel it beating in my stomach, that's not where it should be.
So I'll keep my hand there, to monitor it's beat.
To hope it doesn't crack again.

It hurts sometimes, this beating in my stomach.
There's beating in my head,
And I can't seem to make it stop.




Sunday, September 24, 2006


Lost. Our souls, intertwined and ripped apart. By mine own hand I hath called the omniscent gardener to our hearts and pruned away the hold. Our pain, it bleeds by the stems, it drips from the heart of each flower.

I am a rocket girl. I fly around with no where to go but up and come zooming down as soon as it hit the atmosphere. Toss me high, let me fly, but make sure to catch me when I fall. You are my crash landing.

Don't let me go. Don't let go!

Stay with me on our journey. Don't let go when we're torn by the pain, destroyed and lost beyond finding even ourselves. Don't let me drown and I'll try to hold your head up high. We'll fly and dive and soar through this together, and be stronger in the end. It will come, just don't let go! Don't let me go, I'll hold you tight.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

carryover is KILLING me

You know what they all say!!! If you want to ruin your school year, take carryover. And that's what I've done. It's complete hell I can't believe I'm doing gr10 and gr11 stuff at the same time. And while I'm trying to focus on my carryover courses so I can get them over with, I've still got the idea of chem and bio looming over my head. Not to mention my OTHER six courses.

The problem is, I STILL can't concentrate. It's like there are evil monkeys in my head pulling wires and ripping up neuron's. STOP DOING THAT!!! STOP!!! Goddamn monkeys...

So it's not only my work that's carried over, but the shit emotional state I was in last year, PLUS the whole September Rush thing! I've NEVER heard of September Rush but they should really tell people about that mentality when you do carryover. I didn't have a choice. It was carryover, or do gr10 math again this school year. I'd still take the carryover, even if it's driving me nuts.

Doing gr10 math would drive me even more nuts and then I'd just be so nutty that I'd get an anaphylactic reaction to myself. Augh!! AUGH!!! Why am I myself I'm getting HIVES...*cough*Cough*get me an epipen....

So I'm just saying. If you see me, and I look like there's a rabid racoon living in my room that attacks me while I'm working so that I have to run away so I don't get rabies, it's because there's a rabic racoon living in my room that attacks me while I'm working so that I have to run away so I don't get rabies.

God I hate school....even if I was starting off without carryover, I'd hate it still. Gr11 IS the hardest year.

-Racoon Girl, signing out.