
Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I don't usually wash, check, or count away my obsessions. The exceptions would be washing after being on a damp bus, and counting house numbers. (The goal is to count faster than you see the houses, so 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21... as fast as you can- but only fast enough to stay one house ahead.) I usually spell them away. R-e-d c-a-r-s c-o-s-t m-o-r-e i-n-s-u-r-a-n-c-e i-c-e c-r-e-a-m p-o-p-s-i-c-l-e-s p-u-r-c-h-a-s-e...

There are some thoughts that just won't go away.

What do I do with them? How do I make them stop when everything is parallel and perfectly spelled and they won't cease fire. They're bad, bad things to think.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

speed poetry

how can i resist/ the hope you offer me/ barest of wishes/ slightest of touch/ i place my life in it's hands/ so precarious.

you speak/ i hear not a sound/ i see nothing/ feathers from the sky/ am i/ sirens/ your voice/ bring me back/ i don't want to be/ grounded

i sing/ lullabies and secret cries/ for angels to listen/ but never hear

denied three times/ shadows at my door/ fear, loathing, other/ by the time the cock crows/ thrice

candy cane pants/ memories i haven't lost

It's been a long time (read: years) since I even tried to write anything remotely poetic, mostly it's just an endless stream of thoughts, but I like this. The essentials. Just what I thought of in the two minutes between 12:40am and 12:42am. Good night/morning.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I'm scared of Triangle Program

In three weeks, I'll be starting at a new school an hour away from my house. I'm so terrified! Christine asked me if I had any leftover unit guides, and of course I did, and of course I caught glimpses of them.

I still cringe when I look at ENG3U units.

What if Triangle is the same as Ward? What if it's the same units? The kind of work I could stare at for hours, months, and get absolutely nowhere with. Please don't make me do English, I hate English. I read, write, and speak English perfectly! I have an extensive vocabulary and can write well, please let me off the hook! I can't stand anymore English, God, even the teachers are bored with it!

What if I'm not queer enough? I'm not a vegetarian, I'm not anywhere close to vegan, I don't eat organic or even healthy. 70% of my lunches during Day Hospital were pizza. I don't believe in all-natural healing, I take three pills a day! I don't fit stereotypes or labels! I am comfortable with sex but not with having it! I am sex-positive for other people but not myself!

Why are all the staff there male? What if I start to trust people there? What if I can't, not even a little bit and everyone thinks I'm cold? I can't take the TTC there, I hate the TTC when it's damp! It's ALWAYS damp in the winter! I need dry warmth! Like Speedy, who by the way is a girl!

What if I zoom down again and everything is dark and I can't stand going?