
Saturday, December 12, 2009

After Hallux Valgus Surgery I (warning: slightly gross pictures)

No x-rays yet, those are in my chart at Scarborough Grace. Kind of, they're on the Grace intranet thingy. Anyway, you can see how straight my feet are now! My big toes have to be pulled out so that the bones don't fall back into their old positions, but that space between them will even out once I'm 100% recovered.

My left foot is still much worse than my right, so the big toe refuses to be pulled enough. (warning: somewhat graphic descriptions) Unlike the right foot, that long incision along the side has little flaps in it, which healed kind of ugly. They put steri-strips on them because the edges weren't stitched together properly. It's still swollen, so they wrapped it extra tight which means it hurts extra much, in addition to pulling on the toe.

Stay tuned!


Kitty said...

Wow you finally did it? I'm guessing the top pic is the after pic right? (lol if it's the before, then I don't know if that would be a good thing or bad thing) It looks very straight! (I hope that doesn't sound really weird =3) Anyways, congratulations!! Hope you heal quickly!!!

Christine said...

-I realize that I've already expressed my excitement to you in another form that I dont remember but whoa! :D Do you know when you'll be able to walk

Aeriena Eve said...

Ahaha my brother just came in here and freaked out at the pictures. XD Thanks guys! I can walk now...but I have terrible balance and I go really slow. Yay normal feet!