
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why I Think You Can Get Anaphylaxis From Using Cerumol

First a quick note, I have disinfected Speedy's tank and waiting for it to achieve biological stasis before I return her, so her temporary address is:
The Box
The Floor
Tina's Room / West Guyzeeland
and then the rest is the same.

Three Points:

  • Cerumol is a formula for ear drops containing peanut oil.
  • Anaphylaxis is a serious reaction to a stimulus, (in this case, peanuts.)
  • Let the subject be allergic to peanuts/peanut products.
Now let's begin.

I know that your tear ducts are connected to your ears because if you shoot water really fast into your ear it comes out your eyes. I know your eyes are connected to your nose because when you cry you get sniffly. I know your nose is connected to your brain because Egyptians pulled out the brain through the nose, and because if you thread a wire through a pig fetus' nose it comes out it's brain. I know the nose is connected to the trachea and esophagus because if you sniff up a nose bleed it goes down your throat and it's very unpleasant, and I know if you eat something and swallow it wrong it can go down your trachea which is also unpleasant. I know all of these things are near veins but there is a barrier between blood and the brain, ears and the blood, eyeballs and blood, nose and blood. For the cerumol to cross these barriers, (skin, etc.) it must...well...cross them. I dunno, active transport or something?

However, say the subject uses the ear drops, then stands up. The ear drops travel to the tear duct area and down the nose, but the subject sniffs it up. The cerumol is sniffed into the esophagus which leads to the stomach where it is broken down and the cerumol seeps through the villi to the bloodstream.

OR there's a hole in the lining of the ear/eye/nose/brain and it goes through.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nice Guys

Do you remember nice guys? I didn't. I remember a lot of bravado, puffing of chests and fluttering feathers. I met a nice guy today in the library. I mean, we'd known each other from before, but I hadn't seen him in a long time.

He was...nice! He didn't press when I said I just wasn't in school, or where I had transferred to. He was calm, even-spoken. In turn, I felt more calm. When I left I felt happy. You know the feeling when you're wearing a circle skirt, a top, and a little sweater? That was the feeling. I like that. I miss that. I feel like I've turned defensive over time and for a moment, he made me softer.

My eyes relaxed and my shoulders dropped and it was like...different! Now I realize I'm almost always on guard, for people who will be abrasive about my school situation, or my orientation or my issues. I'm also on guard for things that will hurt, like Speedy's claws or getting that look about school, anything!

I want to become more like that. I want to be less angry, less crass. You know, in grade nine I felt different. I could be sweet and graceful at times. Then something shifted and when there were times I wanted to be like that I just ended up telling stupid jokes or explaining myself before people made judgments. Which made me tired, justifying myself. Maybe I can still be like that.