
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Marry Me Doogie!!!

I've just finished watching all 4 seasons of Doogie Howser, M.D. (1989-1993)
If Doogie Howser wasn't fictional or 17 years older than me I would marry the guy.
  • He's a dork. In season 1 he was 16 and had a pudgy face, giant hair, horrible ties and gigantic dress shirts. In season 4 he was 19 and still had horrible ties.
    I'm a dork. I spout random knowledge, am pretty awkward, and say the darnest things.
  • He's constantly learning new things about himself. Doogie can be a jerk, but eventually he learns something new about how he and the world interact.
    Me too! I learned that I can be bossy, pretty angry, overly self-conscious, etc... but through life, (and therapy) I too figure out ways to be more harmonious with the world I live in.
  • He writes a short journal every night, documenting changes in his perspective.
    I don't write in my diary every night, but I do write often, especially about how my thoughts evolve and change. I tend to write pages and pages then not at all.
  • He's a doctor.
    I want to be a doctor.
  • He's 6'1".
    I'm 5'1". We'd be hilarious just standing next to each other.
  • Although he started out shy about sex, he became more confident about it. He could teach me to be more comfortable with anything beyond closed-mouth kissing.
  • He moved out, then moved back home, then moved out to a place what he'd almost own when he was ready.
    I need my own place. Having this weekend to myself has only strengthened my conviction to move out as soon as it's financially feasible.
  • He's OK with the gay! In fact, he helped Vinnie get over his misconceptions about having a gay roommate in his dorm.
    I'm one of the gays! In fact, I'm a teensy bit active about helping people get over the misconceptions about the sexuality/gender spectrum.
  • He and his best friend really mean a lot to each other, and they're not afraid of that. I respect that kind of strong relationship.
  • His idea of a rockin' New Year's Eve party is an intimate, formal affair with shrimp and cocktails. But when his plans went wrong he partied like an animal and loved it.
    I've been dreaming of having an intimate, formal garden party with shrimp and cocktails. But I'm also interesting in partying like a penguin. (Yea Penguathelon!!!)
  • He owns a tuxedo.
    I love people in tuxedos.
  • His loft is decorated the way I think I'd like to decorate. Light, airy, open space...less than ideal neighbours though...
  • For a long time he worried about his leukemia coming back, and that kept him from enjoying life. Instead he rushed through, afraid that he wouldn't have time for it. That's one of the things he realized in the series finale. He uses his experience to gain insight towards being a better doctor and a better person.
    I worry about my depression and anxiety. I think I'm doing pretty well at having fun, while still being careful about it. I try to talk about in a way that eases people out of believing myths that contribute to stigma. I'm learning to live like your average teen instead of being scared it'll come back. It probably will, so I might as well take advantage of the good times now.
  • He changes his mind about people. Like when Raymond held him and Vinnie up at the convenience store he learned more about Ray and ended up being friends with him. I like that.
  • He's romantic!
I hope that's the person I'll marry. Someone with a kind, open heart, good friendships and healthy relationships, funny, some similar interests, someone who has things to teach me, someone who is willing to change his or her mind, and someone who gets the good and the bad stuff. I think we'd be happy, whoever he or she is.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Something weird is happening with the buses...

Last night I was making my way home, your average commute from the city. I emerged from the subway tunnels into a world enveloped with a deep blue sky. I smiled, drinking in the calm of the bus station. I didn't wait long before a bus came along, snagging a prime spot by the window.

Slowly people filled it until it chugged away. We hadn't travelled far when the bus stopped- and didn't start again. For a while I was oblivious, engrossed in choosing the perfect playlist on my mp3. Then the other passengers started to get restless. A few jumped off, choosing to walk instead. It was fifteen minutes before the bus started up again. We trundled slowly by, and out the window I saw two other stalled vehicles. One bus heading south, completely darkened and abandoned. Another with occupants, like mine, frozen in the left turning lane.

Night had fallen deeper when the bus turned a corner and stopped once again. The riders started calling home, telling their friends and family's that they would be late. In a few minutes the driver told us all to exit via the back doors and catch the bus on the sidestreet.

An empty bus, seemingly waiting for us sat in a small street perpendicular to our route. We piled onto it, at first hesitantly, then in a mad dash to grab the good seats. The two drivers conferred, then switched buses. Finally we were on the move again. This second change of events drew a pall over the group, a sense that something was wrong. Several blocks down the line we had to switch buses again. Was this it? Was this all some mad plan, years in the works to exact revenge on the passengers that tormented the TTC so much? Was one of these buses doomed to die?

Were we on the doomed bus?

I boarded the new bus taking care to give a quiet, "good evening" and smile to the driver before taking a seat. Here was a new set of people, most of which had never been on a stopped bus. Happily I departed after two blocks, afraid to risk staying on any longer.

Something strange was going on, and I am glad to have survived it. I can only hope I still survive after passing on my plight to you. Godspeed, my readers.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tour Toronto

I was going to start my streetcar tours today. (Day One: 501 Queen, 508 Lakeshore.) Then I looked at the Weather Network and OF COURSE it's thunderstorming again! Today, tomorrow, Thursday. Awesome.

I know I should stick to my TTC plan because I'm not gonna be traveling the city in a giant hippo after this, and it'll be good to learn the public transit routes. But it's gonna take AGES! At least five full days. If I take a hippo I can see the entire city and the harbour in a couple hours- which means I can probably do that in between the rain.

Maybe I'll do both, a hippo and 501 Queen now, then spread the rest of the routes out over the year.

I'd leave the house, but it's 31degrees out there and it's gonna get rainy. *sigh* I'm Filipino, I'm supposed to feel cold in this weather! My cousin once emailed me and mentioned, "It's only 28 here so it's pretty cold." But I'm also Canadian, so I'd probably melt as soon as I got outside.

RJ On the Mend

RJ wakes up and the first thing he says is, "I want juice and pasta...." which he got! (Me too.)

My Fridge is Controlling Me

I was gathering fruits for a snack when the fridge started to beep at me. "You left the door open!" it said. "Nearly done," I replied. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you know how much energy you're wasting by leaving my doors open!? BEEEEEP BEEEP BEEEEEEEEEP!!!!"

I chucked the rest of the fruits in there and ran.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

About celebrity crushes...

I have a new celebrity crush. It's on Neil Patrick Harris, or NPH if you're a super fan or don't want to type. Which I don't sometimes. I chose this picture because it's so classic and for some reason I can't manage to pull it off in all my years of cam-whoring. Ah, the looking-away-coyly-while-laughing look!

I kind of hate getting celebrity obsessions. Every so often it just pops up and I turn into a total dork. Suddenly I'm this raving stalker sex-crazed straight girl who emits a lot of high pitched noises and pumps the air so hard her boobs bounce and it hurts.

I totally know when this is happening though! I know I'm a freaky obsessed schoolgirl, (I still have the uniform so I'm still allowed to say that!) but I just can't stop! Remember when I was all about Ellen? Or Mei Melancon for about two weeks? Or Leisha? Or...wait, that girl isn't a celebrity. Anyway, or...god forbid...Vadim Schneider? Pau, with Johnny Depp? Michelle, with that other British guy? It'll pass, it'll pass. It'll pass!

But for now, I'm totally feeding it. I like Neil Patrick Harris because
a) He does MAGIC!
b) He's totally unashamedly gay, which makes other people around feel like, "hey, that's okay." That's awesome. I'm not even that comfortable with my sexuality, I feel this need to prove it's real. That, and it's really funny when people from my area find out. Or from the Church. Heh. Heheh. Heh.
c) He has a good vocabulary.
d) He enunciates. He E-NUN-CI-ATES.
e) Although most people know him from his young role as Doogie, he's not stuck in that role.
f) He's also a STAGE ACTOR. In MUSICALS. Rent, Sweeney, his first favourite musical was Les Mis? That was my second favourite musical! Seriously though, Rent? And he's good at it for real.
g) In one episode of HIMYM he cleans Ted's apartment. For different reasons, but I love people who clean. And enunciate. <3

Now, I have to go back to watching Season 4 of How I Met Your Mother for the fifth time, before I plug in the soundtrack to Dr. Horrible then watch Sweeney for the third time today.

Oh, by the way, I was thinking about how I always get crushes on old people and I thought...maybe I'll end up dating a cougar. Roar.