
Monday, April 10, 2006

flying on angel wings

Yea, the songs from the show are stuck in practically everyone's head, but there's one line that keeps on repeating...a) I love you, A bushel and a peck b) pokemon! gotta catch 'em all (make-up room extemporaneous-ness) c) I could honestly die.

I don't know what to do...I've buried myself under these horrible circumstances and there's no getting out of it. No matter how hard I try I always end up screwing up and although I'm not always giving 100%, I'm not doing this stuff on purpose! I could choke here, I could dive, I could sink lower than ever but why should I keep on digging a hole when I could fly up?

Your words are my angel wings, you keep me hovering here, but at some point I'm going to take your wings and fly out somewhere I can be, be without turning onto myself and cold. Somewhere I'll be free. Where I don't have to keep on running away, trying to compress this all then escaping what I've brought closer to myself.

Your angel wings will be my salvation.