
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Living Sedated - Adventures with Seroquel

Yesterday I slept 20 hours. I was awake for a mere four- from 1900 to 2300h. The night before I had taken 1/3 of my prescribed dose of Seroquel. Last night, in an effort to sleep a normal 10 hours, I took 1/6th, or 1/2 tablet of 25mg Seroquel.

Nightmares and tossing and turning oh my! Still, I slept an acceptable 12 hours and I don't feel nearly as groggy as I did yesterday. Unfortunately I woke up feeling pretty anxious and uncomfortable. My muscles were tense, I have a sick feeling around my heart and stomach, my fingers are naturally curled up. It looks like no matter what dose I take, I end up with some unpleasant side effects.

I feel like my skin is going to unravel, like a banana peel, and I need somebody or something to hold me together. The feeling is so strange and unwelcome that I had to take a PRN. Sedated, again.

November 1st 2010

I've been back hitting up all the usual websites trying to find a new medication cocktail. It turns out I`ve already been on a ridiculous 11 different pills, which is only a small fraction of the meds available. However, the other medications haven't been given a go previously for a reason. Many of the remaining meds have weight gain, even more sexual dysfunction, hyperglycemia and mental blunting listed under "Common Side Effects." Looks like more bad choices.