
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What the fuck does Kat do all day?

Many people have asked me what I do, now that I don't attend school. Well, right now I'm talking to Christine on MSN and writing up this blog post, but here are some other things that fill my time. (You might like them too!)


Yes, I'm still working on inventory on my Etsy shop, but I've hit a serious roadblock and I'm trying to work through it. I also spend time cruising the Storque, which is like this huge Etsy blog, and going through the forums which is essential to being an Etsy seller. Not to mention looking around at things I must not buy!

Walk to No Frills
I like grocery shopping a lot, but I rarely come home with a big load. Basically fruits for me, veggies for speedy, something yummy and bad for you, and frozen juice. Oh, and I almost always stop at the Filipino bakery for sweet bread.

Do Yoga
Yes, I'm one of those lame people who uses exercise videos at home. But I like yoga, and I really like the instructions in this series of yoga videos and some of them are pretty intense. Which I also like. =)

Do Weird Things
Like scream and laugh hysterically and lie in the sun on the driveway and let Speedy out for walks around the kitchen and sing really loud and dance with Big Bunny and Regular Bunny and Elephant and sometimes Rachel.

You must all know how much I like cleaning, so yes, I spend a lot of time vaccuming and putting stuff away or re-organizing things.

"Window" Shop
I'm one of those girls who really likes shopping but doesn't earn much so spends some time looking at things I must not spend money on.

Write Newsletters
Because I like shopping so much, it is mandatory that I stay on top of all kinds of discount goodness. Clearance sales and coupons and stuff like that. So I've started an (almost) weekly newsletter that puts together all the good sales and grocery deals.

I'm trying to put together an image of all the people that make me very happy, like my nieces and nephews and aminals and animals and stuff.

Work on Family Tree
Yes, I'm working on another family tree, but this time not on paper, because I don't even know how to draw all those connections. I was going through the TIME 100 Best Websites of 2008 and they had this website that does it for free, and it's really easy. But damn my family is freaken huge.

Read the News!
I keep up with the Star and all the gay news stuff, as well as checking out the mental_floss morning cup of links. Oh, and I check the actual paper newspaper to see if there's a good Retail cartoon strip so I can cut it out for the store.

Go on Cool Websites
Word Association - Just like Freud! The computer gives you a word and then you associate it, then it associates that on it's own and you associate that and it goes on and on. It's not even a lame computer, it makes honest connections.
There are more but I'm tired again so bye!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Why I Hate My Medic Alert

There it is, in all it's stainless steel glory. I have no idea what to do with this ugly metal thing wrapped around my wrist. I want bracelets and I think, "damn that's pretty and also a really good price!" but then I try it on and it's like, "that looks hidous with my Medic Alert." Do you know why?
Because it looks like this. It's a silver bracelet, but it's not silver, it's stainless steel, (like your fridge or pots and pans) so next to silver it looks...well, like your fridge or pots and pans. That is the "Designer Stainless Steel" style. The difference between that and the normal steel is that they sanded the tops off the links, so they're flat. Beautiful. $39.

It's okay for everyday wear, occasionally I get annoyed that I can't wear one of my non-ugly bracelets with it, but it's not a big deal. (Even though I really want to wear my non-ugly bracelets!!!) It's evenings that are the problem. It's not like I can leave it at home for an evening party because you never know what they'll serve for food. Nor can I attach it to my bag because I leave that at the table. The only other place to put on my ankle. Which is stupid and ugly, so I keep it on my wrist and just let it mingle with the pretty jewelry. I can't stand wearing bracelets on my right wrist because I write so much, so that's not an option.

Let's look at the options we DO have:


Charming indeed. I like the idea of a charm bracelet, at least I can customize it. The only problem is the links itself- is it a bracelet, or is it leftover chain-maille? Good idea, poor execution. This piece clocks in at $140.00, plus taxes and shipping.

The circular medallion is a change from the usual...Jesus fish shape. They may have attempted to reproduce the famous Tiffany bracelet, but failed when it came to the size of each link, (Medic Alerts' is much fatter) and how closely they linked together. The Tiffany bracelet lies flat, whereas I'd imagine it would be difficult to get the chain to line up here. Points for shinyness, it is definitely shiny. $145.

Back to the fish emblem. The Medic Alert website touts it as having an, "elegantly textured cable chain." At first glance I couldn't differentiate it from the stainless steel variety but then I noticed the lines circuling each link. I thought I was either starting to lose my eyesight, or they had designed a bracelet with links that look like tiny earthworms. More realistically, it could be more difficult to clean because of the texture. Another whopping $145.

There we have it. There are some other designs that looked...passable, but not anything of note. I'll be on the lookout for a great silver engravable bracelet, but the one thing Medic Alert has on anyone else is it's strength. I've worn this bracelet for three or four years and it hasn't ever fallen off or gotten lost in the swimming pool. I'll tell you when I do find something to swap for this, but in the mean time, I'll be checking out tattoo artists. It might just be easier to get my allergies and Medic Alert number stuck on there, and it will definitely be prettier.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Big Love Ep 309 - Outer Darkness (SPOILERS)

I have been watching Big Love for three years. That's right ladies and gents, I was a mere fifteen years old when this show came out and I still LOVE it!

Just as last week's episode revealed a whole lot of stuff, this one seems to have found a pile of conclusions- although some don't really feel final yet. (Do they ever in this show?) Yes, every episode of Big Love is this crazy. I'm just going to go quick and fast because I am already started to forget the episode, my memory is so bad.

1. NICKI HAD A DAUGHTER? I just found out Nicki had been unwillingly married before to this JJ creep! This is all too much for one character.

2. Poor Barb. She gave up a lot for Bill and his testimony to take a second wife. Now she is being forced to give up her church because her polygamous marriage has come to the attention of the Bishop and the state dude. I am so proud of her when she decides to give up the church, rather than give up the family. Still, the scene where she is excommunicated is so harsh and almost cruel. It just makes Barb seem so much stronger.

3. BILL IS GOING TO DIVORCE NICKI? What!? Nicki is obviously going to have problems with taking sides, she wants to be a part of her family but she is also commited to the one she has with Bill. Before you divorce, let her talk! Nicki, if Bill lets you talk you better not screw it up!

4. This whole thing with Barb going to the temple is so strange to me, but not unlike the Catholic church. Both have a great deal of ritual, different garb, and a goal of good life in the everlasting. Barb had faith without the church, but she also lost the comfort and sense of community it gave her.

5. The whole pregnant-Sarah storyline had kind of fallen by the wayside, so it took me a moment to remember why Ben punched Scott in the face and Bill was so pissed to see him. He wanted to help, but Sarah didn't tell him! There is a serious communication problem between Sarah and her family, though I don't think she's got it all figured out for herself either.

6. Go Margene! Margie has got it all balanced out and she's trying really hard to get her family to find that place too. She knows when Nicki and Barb aren't really talking, even though they think they are, and she knows when Bill needs to do some talking to everyone. She's really starting to find her place in the family and standing up for it. I like that she's not being so much of a ditzy pushover. Now everyone can see how smart and brave she is.

7. Cindy and Tom/Ted don't know how dangerous these things are or they'd never let their daughter play alone in the front yard. She may be old enough to do that, but no one is safe from the Greene's. Tom/Ted, get it together! You can't accuse Bill and Barb of having anything to do with the abduction, then take Bill aside and be truthful and say this is a lot of his fault.

8. Oh Wanda. Wanda is so secretly smart. She does what everyone else wants to do, when she poisoned Alby everyone else wanted to poison him but she was the one who did it. When she went to Barb for help on how to be a good first wife, she knew that she wouldn't be able to do it, and she said that to Kathy. I think everyone wanted Jodeen to replace Kathy, and Wanda acted on it. She's kooky but she definitely knows what she's doing.

9. CAN EVERYBODY JUST STOP- AND TALK? Alby, you need to go to the DA and tell them what you discovered about the night Kathy died.
Nicki, you need to talk about how confusing it is being a Grant AND a Henrickson.
Barb, at some point you're going to need to express just how hard it was to accept Nicki as a second wife let alone the whole pologamy thing.
Margie, you know what's going on and you're so close to getting them all together on it!
Bill, for god's sake, just think before you speak? You wouldn't get into half as many problems if you would just stop for a second and go, "hey wait, do I want to threaten this person or would it be useful to me in the future if this person trusted me?"
Sarah, go to therapy. I've been in therapy. Go to the damn therapy and straighten the past three years of your life out. Think about it. Trust me, things get easier if you stop for a bit and look at what's happened before you go barreling on. You've just lost your child, you can take a break!
Joey, talk to people and get things done for yourself. Stop relying on Bill and make your own contacts. You're a lot more clear-headed than Bill, though your anger about Kathy may mar your judgement...

10. My, my, my. Joey has a backbone and he's finally standing up to Bill. I think denying that you and Billy are brothers is too far, but Bill is just too mixed up on a lot of things.

11. Bill. STAND UP. BILL? What is this, look at Bill then pan to the stars with ominous music then pan back to Bill? Unless this season has at least 12 more episodes then he better be conscious real soon!

12. Bill, get a big piece of paper and start mapping out what you've been doing. You'll see that a lot of mistakes you've been making could have been prevented.

This all makes for really frustrating, but really good TV. Next time folks, no more passing out at the end of the episode!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ray's Fantastic Quizzy Thingamajiggy

1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?
"I know you can't see a lot from an ultrasound but... that's baby is Jesus, right?"

2. Do you trust all of your friends?
No. Everyone has their secrets, and everyone has friends for certain things. There are people I'd trust with my life, and people I'd trust with my wardrobe.

3. Would you move to another province or country to be with the one you love?
I suppose I would. I mean, if we could work something out then I would like to, because I don't want to be far from my nieces and nephews but I would follow her if I had to, yes.

4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Not everything, and not always for a good reason.

5. Can you make a dollar in change right now?
Yes, (and I'm being COMPLETELY serious right now) I was just downstairs rolling up pennies into handmade rolls while my mom talked about her work. I made four rolls of 50 cents in pennies, so I can actually make a toonie in change.

6. Which of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?
Valerie, of course. She's studious but that's not all there is to her. She wants to practice medicine and tend to people, and I think that's in her nature.
Christine would be the best forensic pathologist because she's really good at figuring stuff out like that, and who doesn't like pathology? (No really, who doesn't like pathology?)

7. Are you afraid of falling in love?
Yes. I'm afraid I would mess it up, I'm afraid that I would be too high maintenance or get depressed and cut off from her completely. I don't want to be too needy, because all I've been imagining for ages is someone who will just be there for me, no matter how I am or what mood I'm in or how I absolutely positively have to keep things clean. I want someone who will help me pick up the pieces everytime I fall apart, but I don't want that to encompass our relationship. I want it to be a healthy relationship, not all give and all take, or mutual misery, I want it to be...whatever it is, in love.

8. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
Two years ago, let's see, I was almost 17 so I think at that point I had driven Nelson's car about ten meters, and I steered our family car for a couple hundred meters on the 401 when my brother had to sneeze really really bad. I don't know what kind of car Nelson had at the point, and our car was/is a red Dodge Grand Caravan with Stow 'n' Go.

9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?
At the mall, lots of people pop into my mind. "Oh, this is would be great for...!" or "Oh, ... would love this, it's just her kind of humour!" Fictional characters pop up the most though, from books or movies or especially stories I make up.

10. What's your most favorite scar?
Hmm, I have a tie for my favourite scar. My first ever stitches happened when I face planted into the ice. It comes along with a great story and fabulous quotes; "I can see your trachea!" My other favourite scar also includes stitches and is much less fun but is also a great story with fabulous quotes; "It's like watching the ballet of the 4-0 vicryl!" Or any burn scar, I just think they're kind of odd looking scars.

11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?
Last March on my way back from Chicago.

12. What did the last text message you sent say?
To Christine: "I was walking in here with a bunch of people and it was like Exodus of the Asians to their mecca."

13. What physical features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex?
Strong hands?

14. Fill in the blank. I love:
My Bunny's!/Turtle!/Elephant's!/Giraffe's!/etc!

15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
Get my licence finally? I'd say go back to school, but I don't want to do that until I'm ready. There is no reason to rush back into the fray if I know I'm just going to crash again.

16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
Lolo and Lola and Pau and Christine and Val and Big Bunny and Regular Bunny and Elephant and Speedy and stuff?

17. How many kids do you want to have?
Two or four. Normally I think three is a good number but I have a superstition about the middle kid in that situation. *cough pau* cough karl*

18. Would you make a good parent?
I think I would be a great parent, as long as I get help in making sure I don't overanalyze the kid and say, "oh my god she's got depression!" when she/he is just having a bad time. Also I would totally be one of those parents who freaks out when they have to let their kid go, which is why I like cell phones even though I'm really bad with mine.

19. Where was your default picture taken?
If it's the picture I'm thinking it is, than my room.

20. Whats your middle name?
Miranda. Yea, that's right, I'm a meek girl in Shakespeare. To make up for it though, my parents named me after Katherine, the totally not meek girl in Shakespeare. Good balance, I think. (Except that my name is NOT Katherine, or Katrina, or Kat-Kat, my name is KA-THE-RI-NA. NONE OF THOSE LETTERS ARE SILENT!!! RAGHHHHH!!!)

21. Honestly, whats on your mind right now?
To do my yoga, or not to do my yoga.

22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
There are a lot of things I'd change, and a lot of things I'd do earlier.

23. Who was or will be the maid of honor/ best man in your wedding?
Big Bunny, Regular Bunny, Elephant and Speedy. I'm not joking. I'm thinking of a little red wagon to carry them in.

24. What are you wearing right now?
Bright coral socks, red yoga pants, blue tangas, a white long sleeve boatneck top underneath a black short sleeve tee with two birds and "electricity" on it, a nude coloured bra, a size 4 cubic zirconium ring, black half rim versus glasses with rectangular lenses, a brown hair tie, a tiny bit of purple nail polish on my right big toe, my silver necklace with the star of david and "balance" pendants. How's that?

25. Righty or Lefty?
I write with my write hand, but politically I'm a lefty for sure!

26. Best place to eat?
In a comfortable place, like Vanessa's closet, by yourself. (But not Vae's closet, because that would be creepy. I'm just sayin' that would be a nice size.)

27. Favorite jeans?
I don't own jeans because I have this whole thing about constrictive pants, but I like bootleg ones, or just straight up regular cut jeans.

28. Favorite animal?

29. Favorite juice?

30. Have you had the chicken pox?

31. Have you had a sore throat?
Yea, last Friday after laughing a lot for the first time in ages.
Also a minor sore throat after every shift. "Hi, do you have a club card? Would you like to start one? The program is going on a hiatus until May 30th while they update the system, so I'll check if you have any reward certificates because they will expire by that date. Just hold onto your card and come back in the spring! It's Buy 3 Cards Get 3 for Free, would you like to try that? If you had $9.99 to your purchase you can get one of those frames! No? Alright, just in case Easter gifting and candies are 25% off." That is actually what I have to say to every customer.

32. Ever had a bar fight?
I've been in a bar. Like, twice!

33. Who knows you the best?
Big Bunny and Regular Bunny.

34. Shoe size?
7.5, same as Chrostine. Pau has freakishly tiny feet. I know there's a store where her shoe size is actually a specialty size because it's usually a kids shoe size. Freak! Hahaa just kidding...or am I? Nahhh just kidding! Or am I?

35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
I wear glasses, I'm thinking about contacts again, and saving for laser eye surgery so I can do away with both.

36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?
Kind of. Speedy bit me by accident when she was trying to bite the turtle jello shot I was giving her and I yelled and then waited for her to let go. Then I patted her on the shell while she attacked the jello shot and went to go irrigate and close the triangle shaped wound.

37. Been to Mexico?
No, but some of my cousins have!

38. Did you buy something today?
Today I purchased a bottle of orange juice, two deep and delicious singles, and a 12 pack of my new vice, red tangerine Fanta.

39. Did you get sick today?

40. Do you miss someone today?
Yea, Bunny. Except that she's right next to me, but I miss her all the time because I love her that much.

41. Did you get in a fight with someone today?
Kind of, a customer was being annoying so I told her, "Have a nice day!" in a semi-sarcastic way, because I really do hope people have a nice day but I was torn between hoping she had a nice day and hoping she would get a verbal ass kickin' by the next store associate she tried to bungle.

42. When is the last time you had a massage?
When was the last person I allowed someone to touch me? That's right, you just walk away now.

43. Last person to lay in your bed?
Right now Ladybug and Butterfly and Jingles and Chippie and Big Bunny and Regular Bunny and Elephant and Rachel and everyone who lives in the condo apartments of Guyzeeland are in my bed.

44. Last person to see you cry?
I dunno, probably Big Bunny.

45. Who made you cry?
No one.

46. What was the last TV show you watched?
South Park at Pau's house.

47. What are your plans for the weekend?
The weekend will be over in 3 minutes and I plan to spend it finishing this quiz and then looking to see if the new Big Love is already on mega upload or not.

48. Who do you think will repost this and tag you??
Someone else with a lot of time on their hands.

49. Who was the last person you hung out with?

50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say?
"Who are you?" and "Don't worry, I've got all the wedding plans done. You just go get dressed. Oh wait, here's a drawing of your outfit!"

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Most Wonderful Day

Will do text after nap!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Shopping Fantasy


Kat sighs. "You're wearing that again? Really? Couldn't you at least...wear a camisole under it and do up one more button? And those shoes with those pants? Really?"
"Why, whatever do you mean Kat?" she replies.
"I'm not just Kat, the plain looking girl with bad hair and large pants. I'm Goddess Kat, goddess of crazy people and gay people, and also, Kat, the Worst Dressed Fashionista Ever. Let me HELP you!"
"Why, okay! Where should we start?"
Kat thinks it through for a moment then says, "I don't have a license or a car, but I think I would be a good driver if I had both those things because I drive a lot in my dreams. Since I'm not dreaming...we'll hit Markville. It costs two bus tickets to get there, but the sale selection is much better than at the big and/or ghetto malls."
"Markville Mall? Isn't that where you work?" she asked with thinly veiled skepticism.
"Yep. Pretty much on top of Bulk Barn. They have grape Fruit To Go, 5 for $1."
"That's great, but I don't really like Fruit to Go. Why don't we go down to Yorkville, then hit the boutiques on Queen West?"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, do Yorkville stores even HAVE sale sections? I'm good with Queen West though, if you've got $100 000 and a Metropass," chortled Kat.
"I do, and we shall" she decided.
Kat stared at her. "A hundred thousand dollars and TWO Metropasses?"
"Well, two hundred thousand dollars, a hundred thousand for each of us."
"No. Way."
"Yea, come on! We'll drive to Yorkville in my Audi R8!"
"What the fuck is that? Is that a car? Hold on, I gotta call my friend Nelson and ask."

In 0-62 in 4.2 they arrived in trendy, upscale Yorkville.
Kat clambers out of the car, "this car is so LOW. What if you develop knee problems? And only two seats? Where do you put the car seat? I like the way it smells though, it's like that smell I like but can never identify."
"Yea, I got it specially scented in 'That Smell You Like But Can Never Identify.'"
"That explains it."
"So Kat, where do we start?"
"Uh...I'm sorry, my eyes are dazzled by that ginormous Tiffany's. You know their pretty box and the little bag it comes in? I love that box."
"I think you have to buy something to get the box. Say, why don't we go in there and pick up a couple rings, and a bracelet/necklace/pair of earrings or six. Then we can ask for all the boxes you want!"
Kat stares at her and three hours later they emerge with some seriously fabulous jewelry and a bag of little blue boxes. The rest of the day is a whirl of events just like that. Fittings for custom pants and jeans, shoes they order for your exact foot shape/size, enough hats to warrent having a hat box, accessories, tops, bottoms, dresses and gowns!
"But where are we going to wear these evening gowns?" asked Kat. "I mean, I know they're freaken awesome, but you really think we need these?"
"I've got a couple benefits to go to, I'm just so glad you helped me pick these! Otherwise I would have ended up going in that sketchy light green number with the uh..."
"Square neck empire waist?"
"Yea, that."
"That was absolutely horrible for you."
"Yea, this other couture gown looks way better."

And thus the pair began shopping together all the time. Later Kat became a movie/TV star, best selling novelist, M.D. specializing in adolescent medicine and psychiatry/geriatrics/family practise/emergency medicine, mother of two, wife of one, and a magical ability to do all those things with time to spare. Kat repaid her within a year, with interest.

Also Kat bought all the houses in an entire neighbourhood that are water/fire/disaster/cockroach/ant/insect/fly/bug proof and rented them out to her friends and family, and to people in need on a pay-what-you-can basis. She created a transit system that doesn't suck and fixed everything wrong in health care and the government and stuff like that. Also she fixed Canada Post. She passed a movement that saw the entire world cut prices to 1/8 their current value just to make things look less expensive. She also fixed everything and set it up to make way for change and future developments and stuff.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When it comes

There you are.

Then you aren't.