
Monday, March 16, 2009

Big Love Ep 309 - Outer Darkness (SPOILERS)

I have been watching Big Love for three years. That's right ladies and gents, I was a mere fifteen years old when this show came out and I still LOVE it!

Just as last week's episode revealed a whole lot of stuff, this one seems to have found a pile of conclusions- although some don't really feel final yet. (Do they ever in this show?) Yes, every episode of Big Love is this crazy. I'm just going to go quick and fast because I am already started to forget the episode, my memory is so bad.

1. NICKI HAD A DAUGHTER? I just found out Nicki had been unwillingly married before to this JJ creep! This is all too much for one character.

2. Poor Barb. She gave up a lot for Bill and his testimony to take a second wife. Now she is being forced to give up her church because her polygamous marriage has come to the attention of the Bishop and the state dude. I am so proud of her when she decides to give up the church, rather than give up the family. Still, the scene where she is excommunicated is so harsh and almost cruel. It just makes Barb seem so much stronger.

3. BILL IS GOING TO DIVORCE NICKI? What!? Nicki is obviously going to have problems with taking sides, she wants to be a part of her family but she is also commited to the one she has with Bill. Before you divorce, let her talk! Nicki, if Bill lets you talk you better not screw it up!

4. This whole thing with Barb going to the temple is so strange to me, but not unlike the Catholic church. Both have a great deal of ritual, different garb, and a goal of good life in the everlasting. Barb had faith without the church, but she also lost the comfort and sense of community it gave her.

5. The whole pregnant-Sarah storyline had kind of fallen by the wayside, so it took me a moment to remember why Ben punched Scott in the face and Bill was so pissed to see him. He wanted to help, but Sarah didn't tell him! There is a serious communication problem between Sarah and her family, though I don't think she's got it all figured out for herself either.

6. Go Margene! Margie has got it all balanced out and she's trying really hard to get her family to find that place too. She knows when Nicki and Barb aren't really talking, even though they think they are, and she knows when Bill needs to do some talking to everyone. She's really starting to find her place in the family and standing up for it. I like that she's not being so much of a ditzy pushover. Now everyone can see how smart and brave she is.

7. Cindy and Tom/Ted don't know how dangerous these things are or they'd never let their daughter play alone in the front yard. She may be old enough to do that, but no one is safe from the Greene's. Tom/Ted, get it together! You can't accuse Bill and Barb of having anything to do with the abduction, then take Bill aside and be truthful and say this is a lot of his fault.

8. Oh Wanda. Wanda is so secretly smart. She does what everyone else wants to do, when she poisoned Alby everyone else wanted to poison him but she was the one who did it. When she went to Barb for help on how to be a good first wife, she knew that she wouldn't be able to do it, and she said that to Kathy. I think everyone wanted Jodeen to replace Kathy, and Wanda acted on it. She's kooky but she definitely knows what she's doing.

9. CAN EVERYBODY JUST STOP- AND TALK? Alby, you need to go to the DA and tell them what you discovered about the night Kathy died.
Nicki, you need to talk about how confusing it is being a Grant AND a Henrickson.
Barb, at some point you're going to need to express just how hard it was to accept Nicki as a second wife let alone the whole pologamy thing.
Margie, you know what's going on and you're so close to getting them all together on it!
Bill, for god's sake, just think before you speak? You wouldn't get into half as many problems if you would just stop for a second and go, "hey wait, do I want to threaten this person or would it be useful to me in the future if this person trusted me?"
Sarah, go to therapy. I've been in therapy. Go to the damn therapy and straighten the past three years of your life out. Think about it. Trust me, things get easier if you stop for a bit and look at what's happened before you go barreling on. You've just lost your child, you can take a break!
Joey, talk to people and get things done for yourself. Stop relying on Bill and make your own contacts. You're a lot more clear-headed than Bill, though your anger about Kathy may mar your judgement...

10. My, my, my. Joey has a backbone and he's finally standing up to Bill. I think denying that you and Billy are brothers is too far, but Bill is just too mixed up on a lot of things.

11. Bill. STAND UP. BILL? What is this, look at Bill then pan to the stars with ominous music then pan back to Bill? Unless this season has at least 12 more episodes then he better be conscious real soon!

12. Bill, get a big piece of paper and start mapping out what you've been doing. You'll see that a lot of mistakes you've been making could have been prevented.

This all makes for really frustrating, but really good TV. Next time folks, no more passing out at the end of the episode!