
Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i was gonna go into tooth anatomy after XD
can i talk about tooth anatomy?
does water feel like it leaves a layer on your teeth?
like when you drink coke and it's like you can feel it eating at your teeth but actually it would take a lot of coke and not brushing to see the damage
aren't teeth WEIRD?
like my wisdom teeth were brown on the bottom
none of my baby teeth were brown on the bottom!
but all the diagrams show teeth are brown on the bottom. BROWN!
what is it with having white teeth anyways?
nobody in the olden days had white teeth and they got along fine
why is it that suddenly i've gotta pay $30 for little strips of plastic to have white teeth?
normal people don't have white teeth by this age!
kids have white teeth, kids haven't eaten enough in their LIFETIMES to not have white teeth
why don't people punch themselves more?
i mean, i know lots of people who hurt themselves to feel better and in our little group it's totally normal
parents gonna yell at you? run into a wall
fail a test? try to break your wrist by falling off something at a weird angle
really just feeling unhappy? eh, pull out a razor it takes so much less energy than the other two
i mean it feels GOOD
so it surprises me that other people haven't figured this out
it's like DRUGS!
but not like drugs because i don't really know what drugs are like except pot and legal drugs
and if we're talking about those drugs then it's nothing like drugs because those things mess you UP
so like it seems totally natural to me that people would run into walls and throw themselves down the stairs to feel better because it DOES make you feel better and they shouldn't be witholding that awesomeness just because it's "not normal"
have you ever bitten yourself?
my turtle bit me and people say some turtle digestive tracts carry salmonella so their poo carries salmonella and the poo is in the water so the water has salmonella and they swim in the water so their mouths have salmonella
but nothing happened so i just cut off the little flap of skin with my nail cutters after i boiled them
but when you bite a person it leaves this weird half circle like you bit will all your teeth even if it was only a few
sometimes it's fun to bite yourself on purpose but not so much that it leaves a mark because then people think you're a real weirdo and you could cover it with a long-sleeve but sometimes it gets hot and you really want to wear short sleeves but you've got a bite mark
people keep saying that it's bad but something that feels that good probably isn't that bad for you because they also say you should work hard and save for the future and eat well and stay out of the sun but who the fuck does that and isstill happy?
do you know anyone who does that and is happy?
i mean dr gerstein looks really unhappy and she acts like it and did you know she lives by herself and one time my dad went to a walk in clinic near his work and he saw her and she has this crabby look on her face and once i told heather and ann that she reminds me of a crab because she's so crabby
i used to think dr ramshaw was crabby but i only met him once and he asked me all these questions that didn't make any sense like was i afraid of something and obviously i am so i said spiders and he said what would you do if a spider came in here and i said nothing and he said huh and i was like wtf.
but then i was hospitalized the first time and i thought he was a douche because he said i had borderline personality disorder but i don't and then i found out later that's he's not a douche and he doesn't think i have the disorder but just that i cut and try to kill myself a lot which is only one symptom so i don't think that really qualifies as having BPD traits so he shouldn't have said that
i really really tried not to like paul from day hospital but i did and i was like no no no because i'd have to leave and stuff and then in the summer when the police made me go to the lorspital he was there and i was like, "don't like him don't like him" but i did and it was terrible so i tried to pretend i had never had paul for a social worker because he doesn't suck
and larry sucks and dr gerstein is mean but i tried to make it work but after paul it was like, "oh my god the grass is not only greener on his side but on my side it's not grass it's horseshit."
and at the last ramshaw appointment he kept bugging me to ask if i ever really liked any of the workers i'd ever seen in my entire life and i admitted that i liked paul and dr ramshaw said he's gonna ask to make an exception even though it's not in his job description and i really really hope that paul takes me because he's the most awesome social worker ever out of the five or six that i know
but i don't want to get my hopes up because that would be dangerous

i'm not done but my thumb hurts
stupid space bar

i'm a fast typer
sometimes people make fun of me cuz my WPM is like 80
but it's not really i just always mess up with those stupid typing tests
they're stupid

like the space bar which is unnaturally positioned
and larry and dr gerstein
but i want to keep larry and dr gerstein because larry is fun if you want to talk out loud and not on the phone and not on msn and dr gerstein is like my barbie doll
we gotta find her a ken!
she can have my brother he's kinda mean and he can get his best friend sarah to teach her fashion because it'll be awkward because she'll be my sister in law
that solves three problems because she won't be alone and he won't be alone and she won't be badly dressed
i type like more than a hundred words per minute if i want to
now i want to roll down the stairs but it's too loud for doing at nighttime so i don't know what i'll do because i don't ever want to get stitches from a stranger again because those people are ASSHOLES and i wish they would explode or something
or put a dynamite IN their assholes
and then leave it because it's mean to explode dynamite that's inside people's assholes
but i imagine it would be very uncomfortable and people would make fun of them and make assumptions about them like they make about cutters because cutters are just SMARTER PEOPLE
we're the next evolutionary standpoint
we work pain for our gain
we make ouches awesome
we're a million times better than a surgeon with a scalpal cuz we practise on ourselves
AND we know all about bones and how they break which is why i said if i jumped from the jungle bars yesterday i would get a compound fracture see i know
we also like walking through traffic with our eyes closed
and dinosaurs