
Friday, February 13, 2009

Not So Hasty 3

I un-published my HastyHasty 3 post because it was really...truthful but also angry.

This one I'm editing to be less angry.

So... I want to be a doctor.

SAVE IT okay? Just let it go. I know it's not going to happen. But I still want to be one, and I still really like learning stuff like that.

  • So when I know someone's having a hard time and they go, "someone order me a pizza," I think "me too" and at the same time, "emotional eating"!
  • When someone says it burns when they pees and nothing else makes sense, I say go to your doctor cuz you probably have a UTI.

I THINK MEDS ARE GREAT! There is so much we can do now that we, (we=our species) couldn't do 10, 50, 100, 2000 years ago! Can you imagine that we have gone from leeches to ibuprofen? We eradicated smallpox. Do you have any idea how fucking awesome that is? Yes, I realize that there are limitations. What kind of a douche do you think I am? Just like throughout the past, there are always better things to come and know.

I THINK ALMOST EVERYTHING CAN BE EXPLAINED BY SCIENCE. Cause and effect. The world is like a giant Goldberg machine, it's all really complicated but it's also straightforward. Which...isn't the point of a Goldberg machine, but it makes sense!

I LIKE MAKING CONNECTIONS. I like eliminating variables to draw conclusions. I like research and experiments and figuring stuff out.

...but you know, none of this matters because nobody reads this blog and even if they did, I'd still be the girl who thinks meds are magical. Ah piss off, all of you.