
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Retro Revision: Spin on An Old Classic

I took this quiz in January, 2006. I'm taking it again 2.5 years later. Let's see the difference, the previous answers are first followed by a forward slash and my current answer.

1. name: Kat
2. single or taken: Tagle/ Completely and totally single
3. sex: Female, / and my gender is female too!
4. bday: May 10th
5. sign: Taurus, Horse
6. siblings: Older brother
7. hair colour: Brown
8. eye color: Brown
9. height: 5' / 5'1

lovers & friends
1. who are your best friends?: 123/ Pauline, Christine, Valerie
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No/ Obviously not, as I'm single.
3. did you send this to your crush?: No/ I haven't been attracted to anyone in five years.
4. did your crush send this to you?: Nope/ See above.

1. where is your favourite place to shop: Garage, AE/ Smart Set, I guess I matured a bit
2. any tattoos or piercing: ears? / double ear piercings, soon to be tattoo

1. do you do drugs?: everyday. are you jk? i am./ everyday
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: fructis/ herbal essences
4. what are you listening to right now?: the tv/ the sound of my keyboard
5. who is the last person that called you?: k2/ Christine
6. where do you want to get married?: church / in a park
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 16 / 22
8. what would you change about yourself?: everything. / my layer of fat, my brain chemistry, my height, my freakish low blood pressure (I'm always cold), my dry skin.

1. colour: pilurple / still pilurple (pi-lur-ple)
2. food: choklitte / uhm, definitely chocolate still!
3. boys names: adrian / adrien, matt, dex
4. girls names: aeriana / aeriana, eve, anastasia
6. animals: bunnies / bunnies, turtles, seals, otter, cats, dogs
7. sports: soccer, baseball, tennis, badminton / soccer, baseball, tennis, badminton

have you ever..
1. given anyone a bath?: yep / yes
2. smoked?: nope / yes
3. bungee jumped?: nope / nooo
4. made yourself throw up?: yes..but i was sick. / yea, I had this major stomach bug and I just wanted it out! It helped that it wanted out too, I threw up constantly for three days
5. skinny dipped?: nope / no, where would I do that?
6: ever been in love?: yeah, i suppose / yes, I love my lolo and lola and turtle and bunnies very much
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: many times / once.
8. pictured your crush naked?: nope / What crush?
9. actually seen your crush naked?: nope / What crush?
10. cried when someone died?: yeah / Yes, unfortunately they were TV characters. I am lucky enough to never have had someone close to me die.
11. lied: yes / Like a lying machine!
12. fallen for your best friend?: nope / Nope, not genuinely.
13. been rejected?: ionno? kinda? / Only for part-time retail jobs.
14. rejected someone?: nope / Yes, adamently.
15. used someone?: yeah...i used her to get choklitte. from the magical elf. in toyland. / I suppose so, though I can't think of when I have...
16. done something you regret?: everything. / A miscalculation last fall, a stupid thing 2 years ago, several small things

clothes: track jacket, umm...a watchathingy...a...bath thingy?/ my sweaters, my new winter jacket, my collection of hats
music: nothing / musicals and old school stuff
make-up: nothing / touch of eyeliner and some lipstick, though most of the time I go au natural
pet peeve: lack of choklitte / improper grammar!
smell: choklitte (not kidding) / Big Bunny
desktop picture: flowers / random picture from Day Hospital
favourite artist: olp, nickelback / Julie Andrews
favourite groups: GO12 / Bear4ce1, that ones a joke!
book you are reading: handmaid's tale, oryx and crake, sixteen / another day in the frontal lobe and bloodletting again
cd in player: the killers (thanks michelle!) / Juno soundtrack
dvd in player: the one...about the boxer...the female one...who got euthanized / TEDtalks
colour of toenails: the same colour they were yesterday / natural, they were bright pink until I tripped and ripped off some of my toe skin and half my nail polish. Pau was there.

last person..
you touched: does big bunny count? / Big Bunny, if not, Regular Bunny, if not, Elephant, if not, Speedy.
im'ed: vvn / Nelson-Shortman, right now
yelled at: carlo / This scary maniken (sp?) at Sears, before Pau and Christine got there
You kissed: does big bunny count? / Big Bunny, if not, probably Speedy, if not, probably Regular Bunny

you are..
Understanding: never / I try to be always
Arrogant: always / Occasionally
Insecure: forever / All the time
Interesting: not a chance / Apparently constantly!
Random: definately / Most of the time
Smart: nope / I think I am, it's just hidden under weird brain-ness
Moody: only everyday of my life / Pathologically so, unfortunately I haven't any clue what my "real" moods are, that is, moods that are not part of an affective disorder or my medications
Organized: i can be / Extremely, again, pathologically so.
Healthy: *cough* ex-er-cise? / I live on processed foods and my exercise is the TTC, which is actually sufficient. I spend so much time on the TTC and going up stairs and walking and stuff it actually constitutes a work out.
Bored easily: yep / Lately, so bored that I become a bitch or SI.
Shy: i can be / At times I am incredibly shy, i.e. anxiety disorders. Others I am wildly confident or brave. =)
Difficult: yep / Yes, definitely.
Attractive: nope / I suppose sometimes I am.
Messy: sometimes / Occasionally, yes.
Responsible: no / Yes, very much so.
Hyper: occasionally... / There's the odd time I'll have gobs of energy.
Happy: no / No, no not at all.
Trusting: no / Barely.
Talkative: yep / Yes, when I talk I TALK.

if you could you would..
Kill: the person who made choklitte not free. / Can I kill concepts? Hate and misunderstanding.
Slap: *cough* / Sometimes my doctors and social worker, usually anyone around me.
Get really wasted with?: (*creepy voice from that movie) i'll never tell... / Shortman-Nelson.
Get high with: (*sigh) repeat creepy voice. / Shortman-Nelson, Pau, Christine, Val, Edith, Vanessa, Michelle, Karl...
Talk to offline: God. / God, yea.
Talk to online: God. can i do that? (*lightning strikes.) guess not. / God again!

In the morning: i try to forget / I'm disappointed that I've woken up again.
All I need is: choklitte / Love!
Love is: math. (read dictionary part ii, see "kopach") / According to one womans research, similar to the effects of cocaine on the brain as well as a veritable shower of dopamine.
I dream about: babies, agenda's, failure / Speedy, Bunny, ER, boats, airplanes, lots of boats, failure, abandonment, anger, loss, being chased, getting lost, neglect.

Coke or Pepsi: coke / Coke.
Flowers or candy: CAAAAAANDY / Candy of course!
Tall or short: short / Short, talking to tall people makes my neck hurt.

What do you notice first: eyelashes / Percieved approachability.
Makes you laugh the most: big bunny / Animal antics.
Makes you smile: big bunny / Big Bunny and Speedy
Sit on the Internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Sometimes. Come on Ellen DeGeneres, MSN me!
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nope. / I'm quite happy in my body.
Wish you were younger: sometimes... / Not really. When I was younger I was untreated and unaware and therefore more scared and powerless and sad, now I'm all those things but I have the power that four years of treatment has given me.
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes

I know: i like juice. and cheese. / A lot about psychiatry, some about anatomy and physiology, a little more about genetics, even more about cytology, and a lot of random facts but not as much as Eve.
I want: to forget. / to get better, to be happy, to be functional most of the time.
I have: no more cheese or choklitte. (*eyes brother's stash.) / $500 worth of medication and a priceless amount of human experience. Amex, even Ellen uses it. That's all serious, minus the amex bit.
I wish: i could fly. / I could do all the things in my previous post, right now.
I hate: many things. / People who chew with their mouths open, people who eat nuts on the bus, people who are rude, people who get up in my personal space, people who discount me because of my mental issues, but all of these are really more like dislikes. I really, really hate being bored.
I hear: my brother...(*decides not to eat choklitte) / Myself chewing chocolate...really, I do.
I search: endlessly / For god, for knowledge, for hiding places and secret spaces, I search for reasons and the beyond.
I regret: my life / My inability to speak at times when voice is vital.
I love: choklitte / Lola, Lolo, Tito Joe, Big Bunny, Regular Bunny, Elephant, Speedy, Guyzeeland, Alexandria, Carlo, Christine, Ella, Jake, Jessica, Joshua, Logan, Nathan, Nayah, RJ, Tristan, Pau, Christine, Shortman-Nelson, Valerie, Vanessa, Michelle, etc...

more randomness
1. Do you like fillings these out? not when they're this long... / It's nice now that I can see the differences.
2. How many people are you sending this to? the blogger world? / The blog and facebook world, probably tag some people I've mentioned.
3. Who will send it back? those who have no time to waste yet insist on doing it. (like me!) / Ditto 2006 answer.
4. Gold or silver: silver / Silver, gold just kinda washes out on not-white/black people.
5. Favourite cartoon/anime: i forgot... / Strawberry Panic Strawberry Panic EEEE!!!
6. What did you have for breakfast this morning: break-fast? / Milk chocolate covered mini-oreos and diet coke from the bottle. I haven't left my room yet.
7. Who would you love being locked in a room with: a maminal. / Julie Andrews or Ellen DeGeneres or Sarah Warn or a nice female doctor who can teach me stuff.
8. Could you live without your computer: (*laughs) no! (*eyes widen.) / God no. When my laptop was broken I did kinda, because I hate using the family computer, but no. My laptop cuts through a lot of the OCD stuff that bugs me and it has Sims2 on it.
9. Would you colour your hair: yea / I have, several times, all the same colour.
10. Could you ever get off the computer: umm....yea? / I'm not ON a computer, I'm using one. So yes, of course!
11. habla espanol?: me no habla espanol. que? / I can read it mostly!
12. how many people are on your buddy list?: way more than i can keep track of. / 74, I did a paring down to just people I'd imagine I'd talk to.
13. drink alcohol? i wish. no i can't take it, i'm lying. it tastes ICKY. / Yes.
14. like watching sunrises or sunsets?: sunsets...then you know it's over, for the day. / Yes.
15. what hurts the most?: when you open the cookie/cheese jar...and it's empty. *tear. / Being ignored.
16. best words ever?: foff. / Stick, splint, free, believe, advocate.
17. what now?: I'm going to get dressed, there's a major sale at the Big Al's on Kennedy. Looks like Speedy is gettin some new shit!