
Friday, October 10, 2008

A Shocking New Study Completed By Kat

I have done a vast amount of research and have come to this conclusion.

A lot of adults are big whiners.

Yes, you heard it here first. Today I encountered a man who stomped his foot and went, "wahhhhhhh!" when I stepped on his heel in the bus. I don't know if he realized, but we were in a moving vehicle packed with people.

My mom can hold a grudge like no four-year-old can. She will get angry and stay angry over something she has already forgotten has happened. She has held grudges for years and years.

If my dad has to miss a TV show, he sulks for ages. He will cross his arms and refuse to use words to talk to people, preferring instead to use a series of grunts.

My brother refuses to wait for anything. If he has to sit there for more than a couple seconds, he will stalk/walk/drive away as fast as he can, much like my nephew on his big wheel.

A lot of teachers are nitpicky about stupid things like which synonym they like better. If a student refuses to follow their every minute rule, they'll act cold towards him/her.

A person waiting for a bus with a long line will often wander around until the bus comes, then appear out of nowhere to be first on. I once heard a deep masculine voice from behind me yell out, "Hey, you budded!!!"

If you happen to get on my nerves I'll smack you.

My cousin has tried to dump all of his three children on other people when it's time for a diaper change because it's soooooo gross.

Once I watched a former wife and husband at the clinic. The wife spent her kids entire half hour session picking at the husband like a chicken, "Oh you don't know how hard it is!" "Now do you see what I mean?" "You never do anything!" while he just sat there sighing.

Please write in for more ways people are whiners!!!