
Thursday, October 27, 2005

erfan (short for sweaterfan)

Today's blog title is courtesy of Miss Calystra A. L. A. AKA KC. OMG, stop with the acronyms. She wonders why they call these 'blogs.' why not, 'web logs.' Why indeed, Mrs. Anwari.

Apparently the above paragraph is to her satisfaction. Very.

Odd discussions today. All day. Nothing to say...back at school, I'm 14 units behind...TA interview today...byee!


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha!!!hehehehehehehehe!!!! u can prolly guess who left THIS fancy little number... THAS RITE!! the ONE the ONLY (why do i sound like im at the circus?!?!)Queen of A-Towers!! (Calystra) haha... its like 10:22 rite now and i have nothing else to do.........I BoUGHT BROWN CONTACTS!!! i was gunna go fer hazel.... but then i got brown... haha!!